
Hello and welcome to my humble abode, my creative sanctuary and my little corner of the blogosphere which showcases all the things that inspire me and in doing so – I hope will inspire you too.

           “Every road leads somewhere”

I have chosen this title for my blog as it has personal meaning; It is one of the many sayings from my wise, old granny which I often take comfort from. I believe it to have various meanings but to me, it means that no matter what path you decide to follow in life; all roads will lead you somewhere. It might not be to the destination that you thought it would be, but ultimately, it will take you to exactly where you should be and where you need to be.

railway track       via

I am a twenty-five year old Scottish Fashion Business graduate and accomplished Design Assistant now working within a Merchandising position.  I enjoy writing about everything and anything and can take inspiration from even the most mundane things around me.

My mind can be quite sporadic when I am in creative mode and I often flutter from one idea to the next without even knowing it. Therefore, I recognised the need for a place to ‘store’ all of my ideas and inspirational finds so that I can visit them and enjoy them at any time and thus my blog was born.

My only aim is to provide an insight into my little bubble and hopefully entertain and inspire others at the same time.

Everyroadleadssomewherepic4ps                              via

L x

9 thoughts on “About

  1. yep yep its like reading a bio about myself,
    i got millions of ideas and plans coming to me everyday,
    it would be awesome to know what your dreams are,

    • Hmm good question! My dreams are forever changing.. One minute I want to be living amongst the buzz of a vibrant city like NYC, blogging and people-watching from the window of a quirky café. The next I want the serenity of the simple life, residing in a big old country manor with a secret garden where I can walk my big fluffy dog and hold tea parties! More than anything, my dream is to find a job which I love and that doesn’t feel like work – I never realised how hard that would be.

      What is your dream?

      • awesome!
        i am always changing too!
        right now im a learning programmer,
        addicted to art, music, design, graphics, digital productions,
        too much stuff, but ill do it
        i seek find some motivated people like me, maybe we could work on something awesome together,
        br really cool to know what you like doing in your spare time,

      • Sounds interesting! Sure, I would definitely be interested in working creatively with you in the future!
        I spend any precious spare moments looking for things to inspire me and to blog about. At the moment, I am trying to become more culturally aware and try new things 🙂 What about yourself?

  2. love it love it!
    for me, right now, im learning to build apps (so crazy, but im addicted to it)
    I can just about create a app that says “Hello World” when you open it, still learning,
    I dont want to be a provider of bad suggestions, but maybe we could play a game of sharing the best inspirational quotes we’ve heard JUST A THOUGHT 🙂

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